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Work package 6: Exercises using the harmonised curriculum

Participants: ECBRNE (lead), SCK CEN, TNO, RIVM, ISEMI, UoLodz, CV, EODHu, Vught, ESTWFi

The objective is to present, test and evaluate the harmonised CBRN first responders

training curriculum, the developed material and the methods.


Activity 6.1

Test of the curriculum at site 1

All three parts, theoretical, table top and field exercise will be tested and evaluated at four different training sites with local teachers and first responders. The evaluation of each of the tests will be used to correct remaining drawbacks. This is also the first time the whole package or at least large parts of the whole package will be tested.

Activity 6.2

Test of the curriculum at site 2

Activity 6.3

Test of the curriculum at site 3

Activity 6.4

Test of the curriculum at site 4



6.1. Report on experiences and reflections from all the performed tests in WP 6

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