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Work package 2: Inventory of training curricula, practitioner needs and gap analysis

Participants: TNO (lead), RIVM, ECBRNE, SCK CEN, UoLodz

The objective is to create a comprehensive collection of existing CBRN training curricula and teaching materials, to identify professional training needs of CBRN first responders and to identify gaps in the existing CBRN training curricula and teaching materials compared to the obtained needs.


Activity 2.1 Collection of existing training materials

The first activity in this project includes a comprehensive collection of existing training programmes along with the concomitant training materials that have been developed in previous or on-going European, international or national projects. This will include input on the scope of the curricula, course availability, methods of training delivery, length of the training, and level of standardisation. Starting point for the work is the expertise within the consortium, including operational experience and training and educational expertise, and our participation in relevant projects that deal with issues of CBRN security, e.g. projects in the framework of the EU CBRN Risk Mitigation CoE Initiative, EU Framework Service contracts (CBRN related), PRACTICE, EDEN, E-NOTICE, CELECTIVE, CBRN-POL, as well as national initiatives. We will also establish links to other projects in order to collect up-to-date information, best practices and the latest results in terms of protection against the effects of CBRN terrorism.

Activity 2.2 Inventory of practitioner needs

The training material is intended to prepare first responders to effectively respond to CBRN risks. It should contribute to better equip practitioners and operational personnel to be successful in their roles and take on their responsibilities with confidence. Therefore, we will make an inventory of training needs and wishes of these end-users. Interviews, on-line surveys and/or workshops can be organised in order to retrieve this input. We will use our professional networks and contacts to collect a group of stakeholders that can provide us with this information.

Activity 2.3 Gap analysis

Based on the results of Activities 2.1 and 2.2, we will identify gaps in the available training programmes and training materials. The next step is to define requirements for improvements. This is the starting point of the work in Work Package 3, in which the curriculum and its training materials are shaped.


  • 2.1. Report on existing CBRN training programmes and materials as well as first responders training needs

  • 2.2. Gap analysis report

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