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Work package 4: Deployment of harmonised curriculum

Participants: ECBRNE (lead), SCK CEN, RIVM, ISEMI, CV, EODHu, Vught, ESTWFi

The objective is to initially deploy and evaluate the training materials developed in WP3, and to deploy and evaluate the training guide and training steps (theory, scenario-based training/table top exercise, operational training in field exercise) specified in WP3.


Activity 4.1 Evaluate the theoretical part of the training developed in WP3

This activity includes testing parts of the theoretical training developed in WP3 in order to check evaluate the content, method and other parts at different training sites to study variation between countries and teaching culture. A selected number of CBRN first responders will participate in the pilot sessions of these courses.

Activity 4.2 Evaluation of table top exercises developed in WP3

Table Top Exercises will provide participants different scenarios and allow them to put the gained theoretical knowledge into practice. The exercises are expected to include realistic simulations of CBRN emergencies and will be evaluated to check whether they test the capability of the responders in an efficient and relevant way.

Activity 4.3 Evaluation of field exercise

Field Exercises will provide the participants with realistic simulations of CBRN emergencies in the field. Different scenarios will allow them to put their knowledge and practice from the earlier parts of the training into practice and work as a “final” test of their operational skills gathered during the raining. In this part, the main project focus is to evaluate the field exercises so that they deliver the teaching objectives in an efficient and relevant way.

Activity 4.4 Evaluation of materials and method after activities

After each activity (4.1-4.3 above), an evaluation session will be carried out, allowing participants and teachers to reflect on their own performance during the training activities, but also to critically review the training materials and set-up of the different training aspects. The result of these evaluations will provide input to WP5, in which training materials are further strengthened and finalised.


4.1. Report on the evaluation from activities 4.1 – 4.3

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